Tomorrow is Jesus' Birthday. This one I will remember for quite some time as my mother-in-law passed away last Wednesday night. She was only 60. Far too young to leave us, but we know God is taking care of her every need now. She has no more pain, suffering, guilt or worry. Today we are celebrating Tommie's life and remembering all that she meant to us. Tomorrow we will celebrate Christ's birth and remember all he means to us.
You always treated me like your own son. I feel so blessed that you and Dad were part of my life. I know one of the things you feared most was leaving your kids and grandkids behind. Please rest comfortably in the arms of The Lord and know that I will make sure Robin, Cort, Nate, Madi and Nick are safe, secure and happy. Niki may not seem like he will remember much of you, but I know he will carry the memories of you all of his life. He will remember Easter at Papa Nina's house and gathering Easter Eggs. He will remember watching the fireworks on your lawn sitting on Nina's lap.
Madi will remember playing dolls with Nina in the kid's bedroom. She will remember Nina always having something. She will remember Nina's candy dish. She won't remember Nina having to rush back up from the cafeteria when she was born, but we'll tell her that story.
Nate will remember Nina going to Grandparents Day at school. He will remember Nina's awesome gravy. He will remember Nina's false teeth and making him smile when she played with them.
Cort will remember Beanie Babies. She will remember spending weekends with Papa and Nina, something she still wants to do with Papa. She will remember Nina coming to school art shows, and music programs (even though Cort hated the clarinet).
Rest in Peace Nina/Mom/Tommie. We love you and miss you. We will meet you again in heaven. We will look after Dad too and make sure he knows that his family loves him and that he has great times ahead of him with his family and friends.
Christmas is a time of great joy and celebration. I am making it my goal to spread that Christmas joy over these next few days. I intend to surprise someone at random with a monetary gift. It will be small, but unexpected. I just want them to pass the feeling along to someone else. They will by telling the story to another. Try it sometime.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Prayer for tough times.
I thought today would be a great day to offer several things up to God. I have found that allowing God to take the reigns in my life does wonders for the situation and my mental health. Some items I am thinking about right now are my mother-in-law who is sick with cancer and is worse today than she was two months ago. She is stabilizing, but not improving much at all. I am also thinking about the US Auto Industry and all of my family and friends that rely on the auto industry for their careers and income. This country would be devastated if GM, Chrysler or Ford disappeared. I am also concerned for our family friend Allison and her mother. Al's Gramma was diagnosed three months ago with incurable throat cancer. She went down pretty quickly the last month. Her husband was a diabetic and failed to take care of himself recently. On Monday he slipped into a diabetic coma in the morning, then his wife passed less than 12hrs later. One of my close friends is looking for work. Finally my coworker Linda has a daughter who is carrying a child which will be born with un-treatable birth defects that will result in the child dying during or shortly after birth. Like I said tough times and definitely time to turn to a higher power for advice and help.
Please let your comforting hands come upon all the situations that I have mentioned above. Your wisdom, guidance and security are needed in tough situations. We rely on you for all our needs and turn to you for healing in these times. We know you are always shining your light of guidance, please direct us towards that light so that we may know what your will is. We know that there is also comfort in that light. We know in seemingly unbearable times you are sitting there right next to us. All we have to do is lean over and put our head on your shoulder for support. Help us to remember that and help us to look for those signs that you have given us. I pray that your will be done in your Son's most Holy name, Jesus Christ. Amen
Please let your comforting hands come upon all the situations that I have mentioned above. Your wisdom, guidance and security are needed in tough situations. We rely on you for all our needs and turn to you for healing in these times. We know you are always shining your light of guidance, please direct us towards that light so that we may know what your will is. We know that there is also comfort in that light. We know in seemingly unbearable times you are sitting there right next to us. All we have to do is lean over and put our head on your shoulder for support. Help us to remember that and help us to look for those signs that you have given us. I pray that your will be done in your Son's most Holy name, Jesus Christ. Amen
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Fitness Update
Weighed in this morning at 219. I was as low as 211 in October, but this month has been sporadic for training and diet. My favorite diet tracking website changed the way that you can enter food tracking. Now it takes 5min to enter one meal. Way too much clicking for a 5 item entry. That has hurt me a little because the tracking is so critical to keeping my mind focused on how much and what I need to eat or not eat on a daily basis.
Morning Workouts
I have come to a conclusion with my morning workouts. Just Do It. I have a theory about the morning mind and the evening mind. The eveing mind is very rational, but just as lazy as the morning mind. Your evening mind rationalizes so many things that seem so important for you to get up early for and get done in the morning. When morning rolls around those things do not seem so important anymore. I have evidence now that I can use against myself for my morning workouts. I try to wake up by 4:30am so that I can be to the gym by 5am. That way I can get in 20min of stationary bike and 30-35min of circuit training weightlifting. I feel so much better when I do get a chance to workout in the mornings. I stand taller, have more energy, sleep better, etc.
Circuit Training
One of the most effective things to help me get in an effective weightlifing session is circuit training. Circuit training involves mixing sets of different muscle group workouts and cardio in the same session. I do my cardo workout first to help increase my metabolism and my heart rate to get ready to lift. The cardio workout varies from 10 to 30min with a 15min average. I then break into the different weightlifting sessions for the muscle groups I am working on. The circuit part comes into play when I finish one set of one exercise I switch to a different muscle group without taking anymore rest than it takes to get to the other machine. The following is an example of this mornings workout:
Weighed in this morning at 219. I was as low as 211 in October, but this month has been sporadic for training and diet. My favorite diet tracking website changed the way that you can enter food tracking. Now it takes 5min to enter one meal. Way too much clicking for a 5 item entry. That has hurt me a little because the tracking is so critical to keeping my mind focused on how much and what I need to eat or not eat on a daily basis.
Morning Workouts
I have come to a conclusion with my morning workouts. Just Do It. I have a theory about the morning mind and the evening mind. The eveing mind is very rational, but just as lazy as the morning mind. Your evening mind rationalizes so many things that seem so important for you to get up early for and get done in the morning. When morning rolls around those things do not seem so important anymore. I have evidence now that I can use against myself for my morning workouts. I try to wake up by 4:30am so that I can be to the gym by 5am. That way I can get in 20min of stationary bike and 30-35min of circuit training weightlifting. I feel so much better when I do get a chance to workout in the mornings. I stand taller, have more energy, sleep better, etc.
Circuit Training
One of the most effective things to help me get in an effective weightlifing session is circuit training. Circuit training involves mixing sets of different muscle group workouts and cardio in the same session. I do my cardo workout first to help increase my metabolism and my heart rate to get ready to lift. The cardio workout varies from 10 to 30min with a 15min average. I then break into the different weightlifting sessions for the muscle groups I am working on. The circuit part comes into play when I finish one set of one exercise I switch to a different muscle group without taking anymore rest than it takes to get to the other machine. The following is an example of this mornings workout:
- Bike 20mi
- Sit ups 20 reps
- Incline Bench - 8 reps - 90lbs
- Sit ups 20 reps
- Incline Bench - 8 reps - 110lbs
- Sit ups 15 reps
- Incline Bench - 8 reps - 130lbs
- Side Bends - 9 reps - 110lbs.
- Triceps pull downs - 10 reps 90lbs
- Side Bends - 9 reps - 130lbs
- Triceps pull downs - 8 reps 110lbs
- Side Bends - 9 reps - 140lbs
- Triceps pull downs - 8 reps 120lbs
- Etc...
circuit training,
Friday, November 7, 2008
Thu, Nov 6, 2008 - 7.52 mi [Cycling]
Thu, Nov 6, 2008 - 7.52 mi [Cycling]
7.52 mi in 00:31:30 hours at 14.32 mi/h on Road Master Mountain. [Cycling] Last ride of the year?
Posted from My Cycling Log
7.52 mi in 00:31:30 hours at 14.32 mi/h on Road Master Mountain. [Cycling] Last ride of the year?
Posted from My Cycling Log
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Wed, Nov 5, 2008 - 7.50 mi [Cycling]
Wed, Nov 5, 2008 - 7.50 mi [Cycling]
7.50 mi in 00:32:00 hours at 14.06 mi/h on Road Master Mountain. [Cycling]
Felt good to get out for a ride. Possibly the last of the year.
Posted from My Cycling Log
7.50 mi in 00:32:00 hours at 14.06 mi/h on Road Master Mountain. [Cycling]
Felt good to get out for a ride. Possibly the last of the year.
Posted from My Cycling Log
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Redistribution of wealth
Communism is a socioeconomic structure that promotes the establishment of an egalitarian, classless, stateless society based on common ownership of the means of production and property in general.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
As Fred Flinstone would say: BARNEY!!,2933,432501,00.html
Lawmaker Accused of Fannie Mae Conflict of Interest,2933,432501,00.html
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
How the whole mess started!
This is a video of congressional hearings where Dems were touting the gains made in the "affordable" housing market and covering up the illegal accounting practices at Freddie and Fannie!
And this is the result of the Dem's misguided and foolish policies!
Bush Called For Reform of Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac 17 Times in 2008 Alone... Dems Ignored Warnings
And this is the result of the Dem's misguided and foolish policies!
Bush Called For Reform of Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac 17 Times in 2008 Alone... Dems Ignored Warnings
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Wed, Sep 24, 2008 - 6.88 mi [Cycling]
Wed, Sep 24, 2008 - 6.88 mi [Cycling]
6.88 mi in 00:33:00 hours at 12.51 mi/h on Road Master Mountain. [Cycling] Round trip to Kalamazoo Christian and back
Posted from My Cycling Log
6.88 mi in 00:33:00 hours at 12.51 mi/h on Road Master Mountain. [Cycling] Round trip to Kalamazoo Christian and back
Posted from My Cycling Log
Monday, September 22, 2008
Back Home!
I am back from my work trip to the F&I Conference in Las Vegas. I was really not sure what to expect. I am not a gambler, not a drinker and I like to get up early and go to bed early. Three things that do not work well with Vegas. I guess I had fun. Came back with down $80. Not bad overall. I was astounded with the scale of the hotels. Here are some pics. Not very good quality with the BB.
I missed my kids and wife dearly also. Madi must have grown an inch. Nate surprised me on Saturday with his football play. Cort is doing awesome with VB and school. Niki was so happy to see me. I don't think he let go of me all weekend.
Niki is doing so well with his speech too. He stunned me yesterday when he approached me placed his elbows on the table and his head in his hands and said, "Daddy? You wanna play ball?" How could I say no! We played a little then we went to Lowe's to get the last of the wood I needed to finish off the porch.
I missed my kids and wife dearly also. Madi must have grown an inch. Nate surprised me on Saturday with his football play. Cort is doing awesome with VB and school. Niki was so happy to see me. I don't think he let go of me all weekend.
Niki is doing so well with his speech too. He stunned me yesterday when he approached me placed his elbows on the table and his head in his hands and said, "Daddy? You wanna play ball?" How could I say no! We played a little then we went to Lowe's to get the last of the wood I needed to finish off the porch.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Rebuilding the front porch.
My father came over and was able to help me finish with the demo and get the main part of the front porch done. I still have to purchase one thing(lattice), but we were able to finish the entire project for $456. That includes demo and replacing the front plate on the house which had rotted.
UPDATE: Sunday September 21, 2008.
Well it is done. I have some minor brackets to put on and I also need to add some weather proofing. I look at some of the work with a very critical eye and I notice some lines are off and some of the railings are leaning. Not sure what I could do about that. Overall it looks good.
Very rewarding project, but very taxing also.
UPDATE: Sunday September 21, 2008.
Well it is done. I have some minor brackets to put on and I also need to add some weather proofing. I look at some of the work with a very critical eye and I notice some lines are off and some of the railings are leaning. Not sure what I could do about that. Overall it looks good.
Very rewarding project, but very taxing also.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Sat, Sep 6, 2008 - 8.49 mi [Cycling]
Sat, Sep 6, 2008 - 8.49 mi [Cycling]
8.49 mi in 00:33:50 hours at 15.06 mi/h on Road Master Mountain. [Cycling] Normal morning ride. Needed to get something in for the weekend. Also needed to stretch out legs after weightlifting yesterday.
Posted from My Cycling Log
8.49 mi in 00:33:50 hours at 15.06 mi/h on Road Master Mountain. [Cycling] Normal morning ride. Needed to get something in for the weekend. Also needed to stretch out legs after weightlifting yesterday.
Posted from My Cycling Log
Friday, September 5, 2008
Since 1963.
President -------------- Highest Previous Job
Lyndon B Johnson----- Vice President
Richard M. Nixon- ---- Vice President
Gerald R Ford--------- Vice President
Jimmy E. Carter Jr. --- Governor of Georgia
Ronald W. Reagan ---- Governor of California
George HW Bush ------Vice President
William J Clinton ----- Governor of Arkansas
George W. Bush -------Governor of Texas
See a pattern?
I guess the American public value experience in their Presidents.
President -------------- Highest Previous Job
Lyndon B Johnson----- Vice President
Richard M. Nixon- ---- Vice President
Gerald R Ford--------- Vice President
Jimmy E. Carter Jr. --- Governor of Georgia
Ronald W. Reagan ---- Governor of California
George HW Bush ------Vice President
William J Clinton ----- Governor of Arkansas
George W. Bush -------Governor of Texas
See a pattern?
I guess the American public value experience in their Presidents.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
"God has given you one face, and you make yourself another." ~William Shakespeare
I believe that the world will be blown away over the next few days by Alaska Governor Sarah Palin. The left is scrambling to find something to stick to her. The hypocrisy of the left is getting quite comical.
First, most of the drive by media was caught off guard by her selection as VP to Senator John McCain. I will be that well over 90% of even political reporters could not even name her as Gov of Alaska prior to Friday. Their next move was to say that she was unqualified. Never mind that Barak was forced to pick someone for his VP who has more foreign policy experience because he lacks that. Their answer for his lack of governance experience was that he is an outsider. Be careful with that one. Governor Palin has far more executive experience than Barak and can still be considered a Washington outsider more thatn anyone in the race. She also has more governance experience than anyone on the Dem or Republican ticket.
Second move was to degrade her as an unfit mother. This attack was and still is being launched in four phases. A Democratic led rumor said that Palin was covering for her teenage daughter by saying that her son Trig was hers when it was really the teens. How cruel and untrue! The second phase was to say that Palin was irresponsible to even attempt to have a child at the age of 40. Third was that she cannot be a good mother to her children especially Trig if she is elected. Finally the absolutely unbelievable attacks on her and her daughter over the pregnancy of the 17yr old. She is being vilified for allowing this to happen, for failing as a parent, for allowing her to marry the father of the child.
I have never talked with Sarah Palin and have never seen anything related to this but I can guarantee you that Gov Palin's priorities are as follows in order: God, family, country. After being a child of God she is first a mother then a wife, then an elected official. When their daughter came to them and told her parents that she was pregnant, I am sure that they told her they were disappointed. The very next thing they did was to be good parents to their kid that needed them now more than any other time in her life. They did not care about how it would look politically. They did not care what people in their small town would say. They simply wanted to help their kid and knew that a family as strong as theirs would be able to lean on each other with God's help to provide a safe pregnancy and support for their daughter and new grandchild.
The left for so long has espoused that a woman can do anything she wants. She can be a working mom, she does not need a man to complete her. Well, guess what a woman is going to be the next VP of the United States and liberals are trembling with fear.
I believe that the world will be blown away over the next few days by Alaska Governor Sarah Palin. The left is scrambling to find something to stick to her. The hypocrisy of the left is getting quite comical.
First, most of the drive by media was caught off guard by her selection as VP to Senator John McCain. I will be that well over 90% of even political reporters could not even name her as Gov of Alaska prior to Friday. Their next move was to say that she was unqualified. Never mind that Barak was forced to pick someone for his VP who has more foreign policy experience because he lacks that. Their answer for his lack of governance experience was that he is an outsider. Be careful with that one. Governor Palin has far more executive experience than Barak and can still be considered a Washington outsider more thatn anyone in the race. She also has more governance experience than anyone on the Dem or Republican ticket.
Second move was to degrade her as an unfit mother. This attack was and still is being launched in four phases. A Democratic led rumor said that Palin was covering for her teenage daughter by saying that her son Trig was hers when it was really the teens. How cruel and untrue! The second phase was to say that Palin was irresponsible to even attempt to have a child at the age of 40. Third was that she cannot be a good mother to her children especially Trig if she is elected. Finally the absolutely unbelievable attacks on her and her daughter over the pregnancy of the 17yr old. She is being vilified for allowing this to happen, for failing as a parent, for allowing her to marry the father of the child.
I have never talked with Sarah Palin and have never seen anything related to this but I can guarantee you that Gov Palin's priorities are as follows in order: God, family, country. After being a child of God she is first a mother then a wife, then an elected official. When their daughter came to them and told her parents that she was pregnant, I am sure that they told her they were disappointed. The very next thing they did was to be good parents to their kid that needed them now more than any other time in her life. They did not care about how it would look politically. They did not care what people in their small town would say. They simply wanted to help their kid and knew that a family as strong as theirs would be able to lean on each other with God's help to provide a safe pregnancy and support for their daughter and new grandchild.
The left for so long has espoused that a woman can do anything she wants. She can be a working mom, she does not need a man to complete her. Well, guess what a woman is going to be the next VP of the United States and liberals are trembling with fear.
Wed, Sep 3, 2008 - 8.59 mi [Cycling]
Wed, Sep 3, 2008 - 8.59 mi [Cycling]
8.59 mi in 00:33:00 hours at 15.62 mi/h on Road Master Mountain. [Cycling] Regular morning ride. Deer are on the move. Saw 6 this morning.
Posted from My Cycling Log
8.59 mi in 00:33:00 hours at 15.62 mi/h on Road Master Mountain. [Cycling] Regular morning ride. Deer are on the move. Saw 6 this morning.
Posted from My Cycling Log
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Sat, Aug 30, 2008 - 12.73 mi [Cycling]
Sat, Aug 30, 2008 - 12.73 mi [Cycling]
12.73 mi in 00:50:00 hours at 15.28 mi/h on Road Master Mountain. [Cycling] Morning training ride. Very foggy and very tough on the nose bc of allergies.
Posted from My Cycling Log
12.73 mi in 00:50:00 hours at 15.28 mi/h on Road Master Mountain. [Cycling] Morning training ride. Very foggy and very tough on the nose bc of allergies.
Posted from My Cycling Log
Friday, August 29, 2008
Demoing the front porch.
I will be posting a step by step photo essay of replacing my front porch. It will likely take place over the next two weeks.
Step one is taking down the old porch.
I started with a sledge hammer and got the flower box out of the way.

I tried to use the sledge hammer on the main part. That was proving to be much tougher.
I needed to get a jackhammer for the rest of the concrete.

Got the jackhamer and got the top box off.
I went to work on the rest of it and discovered that the box was hollow (thank God!).
This is what a jackhammer and 7hrs of work will get you.
Finished the demo and dug the footings.

Got the left and right footings poured and bolts installed.

Next step replace the floor support and rotted sill plate.
Step one is taking down the old porch.
I started with a sledge hammer and got the flower box out of the way.

I tried to use the sledge hammer on the main part. That was proving to be much tougher.
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From FrontPorch |
I needed to get a jackhammer for the rest of the concrete.

Got the jackhamer and got the top box off.
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From FrontPorch |
I went to work on the rest of it and discovered that the box was hollow (thank God!).
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From FrontPorch |
This is what a jackhammer and 7hrs of work will get you.
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From FrontPorch |
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From FrontPorch |
Finished the demo and dug the footings.

Got the left and right footings poured and bolts installed.

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From FrontPorchDemo |
Next step replace the floor support and rotted sill plate.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Thu, Aug 28, 2008 - 12.10 mi [Cycling]
Thu, Aug 28, 2008 - 12.10 mi [Cycling]
12.10 mi in 00:46:30 hours at 15.61 mi/h on Road Master Mountain. [Cycling] Regular morning ride. Nice weather. Wish it was not so dark in the morning.
Posted from My Cycling Log
12.10 mi in 00:46:30 hours at 15.61 mi/h on Road Master Mountain. [Cycling] Regular morning ride. Nice weather. Wish it was not so dark in the morning.
Posted from My Cycling Log
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Tue, Aug 26, 2008 - 7.96 mi [Cycling]
Tue, Aug 26, 2008 - 7.96 mi [Cycling]
7.96 mi in 00:32:01 hours at 14.92 mi/h on Road Master Mountain. [Cycling] Another quick morning ride. Finding it hard to get back into the longer rides after taking a few days off last week. I felt good this morning. I have a limited amount of time in the mornings because school has started again.
Posted from My Cycling Log
7.96 mi in 00:32:01 hours at 14.92 mi/h on Road Master Mountain. [Cycling] Another quick morning ride. Finding it hard to get back into the longer rides after taking a few days off last week. I felt good this morning. I have a limited amount of time in the mornings because school has started again.
Posted from My Cycling Log
Monday, August 25, 2008
1st Day of School 2008
The kids were really excited to go to school today.
Nick starts next Tuesday. I will post some pics for when he starts.
Nick starts next Tuesday. I will post some pics for when he starts.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Fri, Aug 22, 2008 - 11.80 mi [Cycling]
Fri, Aug 22, 2008 - 11.80 mi [Cycling]
11.80 mi in 00:46:00 hours at 15.39 mi/h on Road Master Mountain. [Cycling] Another ride to get back in the swing of things. Tried to keep it simple and flat.
Posted from My Cycling Log
11.80 mi in 00:46:00 hours at 15.39 mi/h on Road Master Mountain. [Cycling] Another ride to get back in the swing of things. Tried to keep it simple and flat.
Posted from My Cycling Log
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Thu, Aug 21, 2008 - 6.50 mi [Cycling]
Thu, Aug 21, 2008 - 6.50 mi [Cycling]
6.50 mi in 00:25:00 hours at 15.60 mi/h on Road Master Mountain. [Cycling] Just a quick morning ride. Had to get back on the bike after Sat 45miler. If the weather holds out I will do 15 on Fri.
Posted from My Cycling Log
6.50 mi in 00:25:00 hours at 15.60 mi/h on Road Master Mountain. [Cycling] Just a quick morning ride. Had to get back on the bike after Sat 45miler. If the weather holds out I will do 15 on Fri.
Posted from My Cycling Log
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Sat, Aug 16, 2008 - 44.49 mi [Cycling] South Haven to Kalamazoo! and the Beach!
Sat, Aug 16, 2008 - 44.49 mi [Cycling]
44.49 mi in 03:03:00 hours at 14.59 mi/h on Road Master Mountain. [Cycling] Tough ride. 1st time on Kal-Haven. Very nice trail. Kinda bonked @ 30mi mark. Last 3mi was hard. I'll do it again though!
Posted from My Cycling Log
Pics from the beach and NASCAR Race!
44.49 mi in 03:03:00 hours at 14.59 mi/h on Road Master Mountain. [Cycling] Tough ride. 1st time on Kal-Haven. Very nice trail. Kinda bonked @ 30mi mark. Last 3mi was hard. I'll do it again though!
Posted from My Cycling Log
Pics from the beach and NASCAR Race!
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Wed, Aug 13, 2008 - 19.59 mi [Cycling]
Wed, Aug 13, 2008 - 19.59 mi [Cycling]
19.59 mi in 01:13:00 hours at 16.10 mi/h on Road Master Mountain. [Cycling] Good morning ride. i was able to stretch a 17mi ride to 19.5. Getting ready to ride 45 on Sat. Two days rest now.
Posted from My Cycling Log
19.59 mi in 01:13:00 hours at 16.10 mi/h on Road Master Mountain. [Cycling] Good morning ride. i was able to stretch a 17mi ride to 19.5. Getting ready to ride 45 on Sat. Two days rest now.
Posted from My Cycling Log
Monday, August 11, 2008
Mon, Aug 11, 2008 - 7.57 mi [Cycling]
Mon, Aug 11, 2008 - 7.57 mi [Cycling]
7.57 mi in 00:30:58 hours at 14.67 mi/h on Road Master Mountain. [Cycling] Quick morning training ride. Wed will be a 20mi ride to get ready for Sat.
Posted from My Cycling Log
7.57 mi in 00:30:58 hours at 14.67 mi/h on Road Master Mountain. [Cycling] Quick morning training ride. Wed will be a 20mi ride to get ready for Sat.
Posted from My Cycling Log
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Portage Bicentennial Park visit.
The younger kids, Robin and I had fun. Here are some pics from the playground. If you look closely on the last pics there is a humming bird.
Sun, Aug 10, 2008 - 18.37 mi [Cycling]
Sun, Aug 10, 2008 - 18.37 mi [Cycling]
18.37 mi in 01:16:42 hours at 14.37 mi/h on Road Master Mountain. [Cycling] Tough ride. This route is very hilly. Last Sun I rode it and felt much better. I hope my ride this Sat is better. I will have to make sure I rest Wed -Sat and increase my calorie intake.
Posted from My Cycling Log
18.37 mi in 01:16:42 hours at 14.37 mi/h on Road Master Mountain. [Cycling] Tough ride. This route is very hilly. Last Sun I rode it and felt much better. I hope my ride this Sat is better. I will have to make sure I rest Wed -Sat and increase my calorie intake.
Posted from My Cycling Log
Friday, August 8, 2008
Fri, Aug 8, 2008 - 17.57 mi [Cycling]
Fri, Aug 8, 2008 - 17.57 mi [Cycling]
17.57 mi in 01:10:44 hours at 14.90 mi/h on Road Master Mountain. [Cycling] CRASH! Ran into another cyclist on the Portage bike path @ 5:30am. His light and my light were not very bright and I crossed into his lane. My fault. No major injuries or damage. Kinda puts a damper on the rest of the ride. UPDATE Fixed the light issue. I got a brighter 4 LED light on Sat. I is really cool. I can put it in 4 Steady, 2+2 Flashing or 4 flashing mode. It should be a big help!.
Posted from My Cycling Log
17.57 mi in 01:10:44 hours at 14.90 mi/h on Road Master Mountain. [Cycling] CRASH! Ran into another cyclist on the Portage bike path @ 5:30am. His light and my light were not very bright and I crossed into his lane. My fault. No major injuries or damage. Kinda puts a damper on the rest of the ride. UPDATE Fixed the light issue. I got a brighter 4 LED light on Sat. I is really cool. I can put it in 4 Steady, 2+2 Flashing or 4 flashing mode. It should be a big help!.
Posted from My Cycling Log
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Wed, Aug 6, 2008 - 18.63 mi [Cycling]
Wed, Aug 6, 2008 - 18.63 mi [Cycling]
18.63 mi in 01:09:58 hours at 15.98 mi/h on Road Master Mountain. [Cycling]
Posted from My Cycling Log
18.63 mi in 01:09:58 hours at 15.98 mi/h on Road Master Mountain. [Cycling]
Posted from My Cycling Log
Monday, August 4, 2008
Mon, Aug 4, 2008 - 11.72 mi [Cycling]
Mon, Aug 4, 2008 - 11.72 mi [Cycling]
11.72 mi in 00:45:54 hours at 15.32 mi/h on Road Master Mountain. [Cycling] Short morning ride. Got a late start so I had to keep it short.
Posted from My Cycling Log
11.72 mi in 00:45:54 hours at 15.32 mi/h on Road Master Mountain. [Cycling] Short morning ride. Got a late start so I had to keep it short.
Posted from My Cycling Log
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Sun, Aug 3, 2008 - 17.36 mi [Cycling]
Sun, Aug 3, 2008 - 17.36 mi [Cycling]
17.36 mi in 01:11:35 hours at 14.55 mi/h on Road Master Mountain. [Cycling] Hill work. Howard Street Hill and Westwood across 131 have some hills.
Posted from My Cycling Log
17.36 mi in 01:11:35 hours at 14.55 mi/h on Road Master Mountain. [Cycling] Hill work. Howard Street Hill and Westwood across 131 have some hills.
Posted from My Cycling Log
Friday, August 1, 2008
Fri, Aug 1, 2008 - 17.23 mi [Cycling]
Fri, Aug 1, 2008 - 17.23 mi [Cycling]
17.23 mi in 01:06:38 hours at 15.51 mi/h on Road Master Mountain. [Cycling] Felt good. could have done more if I had the time.
Posted from My Cycling Log
17.23 mi in 01:06:38 hours at 15.51 mi/h on Road Master Mountain. [Cycling] Felt good. could have done more if I had the time.
Posted from My Cycling Log
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Early July Health Update
Time for a health update.
Good news first. Overall things are going very well. After taking a couple of weeks off exercising while my wife and daughter were in Honduras I started back to the weights and biking pretty smoothly. I actually lost two pounds even though I did not workout except for 1 ride while visiting my parents in Detroit. I had a great ride out to my in-law's house in Plainwell from Kalamazoo. The ride was 17.75miles and I had a total ride time of 69min!. That was good for a 15.5mph average. My best yet. the next day I weighed myself at the gym. I was down to 215!
Now the bad news. I have had some neck issues off and on for years. Mostly when I use electronic devices too much, such as Palm devices or BlackBerry's where my deck is craned downward for long periods of time. It is called "tech neck". After I finished biking I sat down at my in laws while I was still not cooled down yet. I proceeded to entertain myself with my BlackBerry while we waited for the fireworks to begin. Well after two days of tension and discomfort I decided to try to "workout" the tension at the gym. I used the neck flexor machine with a little weight on it to try to overcome the soreness. BAD IDEA! Now I have shooting pain down my arm. Similar to when you hit your "funny bone". I think it is from a herniated disk in my neck or at least a bulging one.
Good news first. Overall things are going very well. After taking a couple of weeks off exercising while my wife and daughter were in Honduras I started back to the weights and biking pretty smoothly. I actually lost two pounds even though I did not workout except for 1 ride while visiting my parents in Detroit. I had a great ride out to my in-law's house in Plainwell from Kalamazoo. The ride was 17.75miles and I had a total ride time of 69min!. That was good for a 15.5mph average. My best yet. the next day I weighed myself at the gym. I was down to 215!
Now the bad news. I have had some neck issues off and on for years. Mostly when I use electronic devices too much, such as Palm devices or BlackBerry's where my deck is craned downward for long periods of time. It is called "tech neck". After I finished biking I sat down at my in laws while I was still not cooled down yet. I proceeded to entertain myself with my BlackBerry while we waited for the fireworks to begin. Well after two days of tension and discomfort I decided to try to "workout" the tension at the gym. I used the neck flexor machine with a little weight on it to try to overcome the soreness. BAD IDEA! Now I have shooting pain down my arm. Similar to when you hit your "funny bone". I think it is from a herniated disk in my neck or at least a bulging one.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Alone but not alone.
My wife and 15yr old daughter are on mission trip to Gracias, Honduras.
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Since my wife is pretty much my best friend and I speak with her at least 5 times a day while at work I feel deaf and dumb. I know that sounds weird. I have been traveling a little bit for work but we still talked via phone everyday and most days 2 or 3 times. Even when we went on a trip to Florida we still called back to speak with the kids daily. I will be getting some email updates from the organizers of her trip, but it will not be the same. I have the little ones of course, but this will be hard on them too. I now know exactly what military families have to go through.
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Since my wife is pretty much my best friend and I speak with her at least 5 times a day while at work I feel deaf and dumb. I know that sounds weird. I have been traveling a little bit for work but we still talked via phone everyday and most days 2 or 3 times. Even when we went on a trip to Florida we still called back to speak with the kids daily. I will be getting some email updates from the organizers of her trip, but it will not be the same. I have the little ones of course, but this will be hard on them too. I now know exactly what military families have to go through.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Monday, June 9, 2008
Begining of June Update
I thought I would give another update.
Weight:I really did not want to start tracking weight. I don't want to be one of those people that are obsessed with how much they weigh. I began to track it or at least check it just to see if i was making progress. I check this morning pre-workout and I was down to 224. Of course that can vary a couple of pounds either way based on food consumption, natural waste elimination, and attire. I am trying to keep it consistent on that part. I always weigh before I work out with t-shirt, shorts, sock and shoes on. Also I have 500ml water and have already urinated for the morning. So the bottom line is that should give me a pretty consistent number to go by. I am impressed with my progress considering I went on a trip to Dallas for work and ate filet mingon, steak etc on my trip. I guess keeping track of your diet and watching portion control 90% of the time pays off. You can still eat out as long as it is not a habit and as long as you don't really go nuts when you do.
Cycling:The weather has been sporatic around here lately so I have not been able to bike as frequently as I would like. I was able to hit the 20 mile mark the other day. I added a loop to my normal ride and neglected to check the route first. Boy did I pay for that one. The loop was quite hilly. Not a good add to a ride when you have not done that distance before. My average time suffered, but I was able to complete the ride and because of my recent conditioning I recovered pretty quickly. I also have been fighting a sinus infection so I was coughing and sneezing on the ride which I am sure did not help.
Streching:I cannot stress the importance of stretching enough. Before you workout at all you must stretch! I am still recovering from a muscle pull in my left latissimus dorsi. It is usually ok, but I did not strech it out enough this morning and tweaked it again while I was doing some lateral raises with dumbells. If you do not have time to stretch then do not bother even lifting or exercising. It's not worth it!
Weight:I really did not want to start tracking weight. I don't want to be one of those people that are obsessed with how much they weigh. I began to track it or at least check it just to see if i was making progress. I check this morning pre-workout and I was down to 224. Of course that can vary a couple of pounds either way based on food consumption, natural waste elimination, and attire. I am trying to keep it consistent on that part. I always weigh before I work out with t-shirt, shorts, sock and shoes on. Also I have 500ml water and have already urinated for the morning. So the bottom line is that should give me a pretty consistent number to go by. I am impressed with my progress considering I went on a trip to Dallas for work and ate filet mingon, steak etc on my trip. I guess keeping track of your diet and watching portion control 90% of the time pays off. You can still eat out as long as it is not a habit and as long as you don't really go nuts when you do.
Cycling:The weather has been sporatic around here lately so I have not been able to bike as frequently as I would like. I was able to hit the 20 mile mark the other day. I added a loop to my normal ride and neglected to check the route first. Boy did I pay for that one. The loop was quite hilly. Not a good add to a ride when you have not done that distance before. My average time suffered, but I was able to complete the ride and because of my recent conditioning I recovered pretty quickly. I also have been fighting a sinus infection so I was coughing and sneezing on the ride which I am sure did not help.
Streching:I cannot stress the importance of stretching enough. Before you workout at all you must stretch! I am still recovering from a muscle pull in my left latissimus dorsi. It is usually ok, but I did not strech it out enough this morning and tweaked it again while I was doing some lateral raises with dumbells. If you do not have time to stretch then do not bother even lifting or exercising. It's not worth it!
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
End of May update
I am really getting into the lifting and enjoying it.
I have started to take some supplements before and after my workouts. here is what I have used and the results so far:
- Pre-Workout - GNC version of L-Arginine 1000mg. I take 3 capsules as soon as I get up at 4:45am. I then have a half of a PowerBar Energize on the way to the gym. I also try to drink 500ml water before I get to the gym. I am on the stationary bike by 5:15-5:20am. the L-Arginine is a pre-coursor for Nitric Oxide. This helps promote blood flow and volume so that later in my workouts I do not feel as fatigued. The PowerBar helps me with just a little boost of carbs first thing so I am not hitting the wall after 45min of working out. The straight L-Arginine seems to be the cheapest way to get Nitric Oxide. There are many types of pre=workout nitric out there, but most contain caffeine, which I am trying to limit.
- Post-Workout - Pro-Nos by MRI. I drive home 10min and immediately make my protein shake with the Pro-Nos powder. I am very conscience of the fact that this needs to be consumed within 30min for optimum effect. I have been very pleased with the taste of the Pro-Nos so far. I have only been on it for a two weeks so I cannot tell if it is making any difference physically. I know that it does not give me as much gas as the other proteins I have used.
Cycling- I am working my way up on biking. I got new tires for my mountain bike. They are kind of like a hybrid tire, smooth in the middle, but they still have some tread on the edges. They have much less rolling resistance. I was able to do 14.76 miles in 62min. I am going for 20 miles in one ride this weekend I still want to work up to a 50 and then a 100mile ride! I can really tell the difference in my bike tires and the workouts, I have improved my avg speed, distance and my recovery's are much easier when I bike.
nitric oxide,
Monday, May 5, 2008
Begining of May Update!
If anyone is really reading this here is an update.
Saw Iron Man over the weekend with my kid. Awesome movie. They nailed the Iron Man character and Robert Downey Jr IS Tony Stark! I highly recommend it to comic book and movie fans alike.
Health update.
I am down to 228. Sometimes it feels like more, but I did not put that weight on overnight, so I guess it will not come off that quickly from now on. I am starting to push the workouts a lot more and starting to feel the strains and aches more. If anyone is interested in my diet plan then leave a comment and I can show you exactly what I eat each day. I post it to and then to google docs.
Saw Iron Man over the weekend with my kid. Awesome movie. They nailed the Iron Man character and Robert Downey Jr IS Tony Stark! I highly recommend it to comic book and movie fans alike.
Health update.
I am down to 228. Sometimes it feels like more, but I did not put that weight on overnight, so I guess it will not come off that quickly from now on. I am starting to push the workouts a lot more and starting to feel the strains and aches more. If anyone is interested in my diet plan then leave a comment and I can show you exactly what I eat each day. I post it to and then to google docs.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Health Update 4-22-08
Time for a health update.
I have instituted two new programs into my nutrition and exercise routine. The first is the web site The second is an exercise/weightlifting program from
I found this site two weeks ago while looking for information on a food (I don't remember which one). I was trying to keep a food log. This site has helped me immensely. It has an extensive database of common food items which you can add to your "Pantry". They even have some fast food places. You can create a recipe from ingredients and have the site "analyze" it for nutritional value. You can also enter your own custom food entries if you have the Nutrition Facts label available. The log can keep track of all of your calories, carbs, proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals. You can let the site fill your daily values based on your weight, height, age and activity levels, or you can adjust your own. It even has a fullness factor, protein quality, nutrition wheel, glycemic index and inflammation estimator. I have been able to judge and rate my diet and note the areas I need to cut back on or areas I am lacking in nutrition. I use the site several times a day to help me plan my next meal ot snacks. I have been able to stay satisfied and still keep below 2000 calories a day along with increasing my protein, reducing my fat and sugar intake.
I found this site as I was looking for additional nutrition data for my food log. The exercise routine they suggested is great. It allows me to lift four days a week, while giving each muscle group at least 3 days recovery in between lifting days. I use the following schedule:
Week 1
On the weekends I have tried to include a short and long bike ride. My short rides usually last between 5 and 7 miles. I am currently going around 10miles for my longer rides. I would like to push that up to 20miles, but I need to get a different bike for that. I am using a $99 10yr old Schwinn mountain bike. I need to move up to a hybrid or road bike to really get a 20-30mile ride in.
I will continue to give updates occasionaly.
I have instituted two new programs into my nutrition and exercise routine. The first is the web site The second is an exercise/weightlifting program from
I found this site two weeks ago while looking for information on a food (I don't remember which one). I was trying to keep a food log. This site has helped me immensely. It has an extensive database of common food items which you can add to your "Pantry". They even have some fast food places. You can create a recipe from ingredients and have the site "analyze" it for nutritional value. You can also enter your own custom food entries if you have the Nutrition Facts label available. The log can keep track of all of your calories, carbs, proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals. You can let the site fill your daily values based on your weight, height, age and activity levels, or you can adjust your own. It even has a fullness factor, protein quality, nutrition wheel, glycemic index and inflammation estimator. I have been able to judge and rate my diet and note the areas I need to cut back on or areas I am lacking in nutrition. I use the site several times a day to help me plan my next meal ot snacks. I have been able to stay satisfied and still keep below 2000 calories a day along with increasing my protein, reducing my fat and sugar intake.
I found this site as I was looking for additional nutrition data for my food log. The exercise routine they suggested is great. It allows me to lift four days a week, while giving each muscle group at least 3 days recovery in between lifting days. I use the following schedule:
Week 1
- Monday - Chest-Shoulders-Triceps
- Tuesday- Back-Biceps-Abs
- Thursday-Legs
- Friday- Chest-Shoulders-Triceps-Abs
- Monday- Back-Biceps-Abs
- Tuesday- Chest-Shoulders-Triceps
- Thursday- Legs-Abs
- Friday- Back-Biceps
On the weekends I have tried to include a short and long bike ride. My short rides usually last between 5 and 7 miles. I am currently going around 10miles for my longer rides. I would like to push that up to 20miles, but I need to get a different bike for that. I am using a $99 10yr old Schwinn mountain bike. I need to move up to a hybrid or road bike to really get a 20-30mile ride in.
I will continue to give updates occasionaly.
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Weight and the "gut"
I recently went to my doctor when I got the first week of Feb 2008 and had to fly for business within a few days. I was worried about having the flu and flying across the country.
During the checkout two things popped up, both of them probably being related. 1st was weight. I am 6'1''. and have always been around the 200lb mark. I had ballooned up to 249! The doctor said my blood pressure was borderline high also. This was a real wake up call for me, not that I had not noticed the spare tire i was packing! I decided that I was not going to leave my wife and kids any earlier than the good Lord wanted me to. Here what I did and the results so far.
During the checkout two things popped up, both of them probably being related. 1st was weight. I am 6'1''. and have always been around the 200lb mark. I had ballooned up to 249! The doctor said my blood pressure was borderline high also. This was a real wake up call for me, not that I had not noticed the spare tire i was packing! I decided that I was not going to leave my wife and kids any earlier than the good Lord wanted me to. Here what I did and the results so far.
- I switched from Coke to Coke Zero or Coke Zero Cherry. I used to drink a 1ltr Coke before lunch, have another 20oz for lunch and then have a glass or two when I got home. Three things I cut out or way down: Sugar, Calories (800 down to zero per day), Caffeine(helps with the blood pressure). I still have to have the one Coke Zero in the morning for the wake up caffeine.
- Sodium. I really try to watch it now. I paid no attention to it before. You would not believe how much sodium is in lunch meat or salad dressing!
- Cereal. I started buying cereal based on the nutrition labels. I eat Special K with Strawberries, Grape Nuts, Honey Nut Cheerios, Raisin Bran etc. I cut down on portions for cereal too. If the serving size is 1cup then I try to stick to that, maybe just a little more. Healthy cereal has so many benefits. Balanced nutrition, low fat, high fiber, low calorie, etc. I also try to substitute cereal for ice cream or another "bad" snack. If I get hungry after dinner then I grab a small bowl of Raisin Bran instead of a piece of cake.
- Salads. I try to eat at least one salad a day. I either eat them with a little meat on them(grilled chicken or steak), or I just put some bacon bits, a little shredded cheese, non-fat croutons, and low fat, low sodium dressing. I also try to mix up the salads. Dole has a good variety of mixed greens and other types of salad mixes, pre washed and bagged.
- Water or flavored water instead of sports drinks or pop. I drink 1 or 2 32oz. Powerade Option Low Calorie Sports Drink(only 10cal per 8oz serving)
- A little red wine (1 glass) when we are out to dinner.
- I am not obsessive about "dieting" either. I will enjoy a "regular" meal with the family every now and then, but I just am trying to eat smarter.
- We got bought an exercise bike almost two years ago. I never really used it. I like bike riding outside and found the stationary bike incredibly boring. Since Feb I have used the stationary bike 3-5 times a week for 30min. I use the weight loss interval program and try to stay at least 10 rpm ahead of the level they want you at for that section of the workout. I also use either my laptop on the bike with a hand made shelf and bungee system, or I use my BlackBerry to watch movies or listen to music so I don't get too bored.
- I also make sure as soon as I finish my ride to do 3 or four sets of 10-25 sit ups, usually in a 25, 15, 10, 10 interval. I have also started to mix in some free weights.
- We won some passes to the local gym at the KCSA auction and I plan to use that on weekends and evenings that my wife does not work.
- I am looking forward to getting out and biking on the roads again. I want to work my way up to a 50mi ride this summer.
- I feel great!! I have so much more energy. My back does not hurt. I do not get winded walking up stairs anymore.
- I weighed myself recently. 232! It feels like more. I am not too worried about the number. If I can lose the belly, feel better, control the blood pressure, and strengthen my body the I will be OK with that. If I settle in at 215 or 220 with all of the above then great.
- I also had a physical recently. Cholesterol, blood pressure, etc were all right in line.
Failed again
Well, I guess I failed again. I promised to post to this blog "regularly"(still not sure what that means) Either way posting once in 6 months cannot be called regular. I will be posting a column(blog post) on mobile tech and my opinions soon. I got a BlackBerry and I have some thoughts about it and other digital world things.
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